Legal information

The CEI (Centre d’Echanges Internationaux), whose head office is located at 1 rue Gozlin – 75006 Paris, is an association governed by the law of 1901 (prefectoral declaration of 15/12/1947), approved by the Ministry of Youth and Sports (decree of 30/07/1951), registered with the register of travel and holiday operators under number IM075110030. The CEI is covered by a professional liability insurance policy with ALLIANZ, policy no. 43071344, for €6,100,000, by a Mutuaide Services assistance contract no. 22066 and by a financial guarantee with FMS/UNAT.

The present booking and sales conditions govern the relationship between CEI, which offers activities under the name CEI, and the beneficiaries of the services (booking of stays and all other additional services). To receive services, all applicants must join the association. Registration for a holiday implies acceptance of the special booking and sales conditions set out below.

Legal information

Phone number :
Email adress :
Publication manager : Angélique Poli – digital project manager of the CEI
Editorial manager : Annabelle Dupé – CEI Communications Director
Hosting : Systonic, 2 rue Eugène Chevreul – 33600 Pessac, Phone : +33 (0)5 57 26 44 –
Identification number : W751010032
VAT number : FR55784227910
SIRET : 784 227 910 00071


Designed by : Glanum digital agency
Development and integration : Glanum digital agency

Reservation of ownership

The entire website is protected by French and international intellectual property laws. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents.

All texts, graphics, icons, photographs, plans, logos, videos, sounds, trademarks (…) and more generally all the elements making up the CEI site and the site itself may not, in accordance with article L122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code, be the subject of any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, on any medium whatsoever, without the express prior authorization of CEI. Non-compliance with this prohibition constitutes an act of counterfeiting for which the author may be held civilly and/or penally liable.

CEI reserves the right to take legal action against any person who violates this prohibition.

Similarly, it is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the name CEI and/or its logo, alone or in combination, for any purpose whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever without the prior written consent of CEI.