Our local managers

Thanks to its long experience in organizing intercultural stays, the CEI benefits from a solid network of local managers throughout France.

A privileged contact during the young foreign student’s stay

The local manager meets the student on several occasions, either with his host family or directly at his school. He is also in direct contact with the host family and takes care of all administrative formalities. Read our testimonials on our blog, including that of our local ambassador Bernard.

Each placement is systematically accompanied by a visit to the host family’s home. In this way, the local representative ensures that the host family is living in good conditions, and meets all the family members. They are usually long-established in the host region and have been working with young foreigners for several years. He has sometimes been a foster parent himself.

Visit from a local host family representative

The role of the local manager

The local manager’s role is to inform, support and intervene when necessary.
He is responsible for the following points :

  • Searching for and selecting foster families : each foster placement is preceded by a home visit. The manager makes sure that all family members are well received and meets them.
  • School registration : the person in charge will have made contact with the lycée/college indicated by the family and will have officially registered the French child.
  • Request for a school transport card.
  • Monitoring French high school students : the person in charge must report on family and school integration and on the linguistic progress of each young student. He also accompanies the family throughout their stay by visiting them.
  • Tip : whatever the difficulty, don’t hesitate to contact your manager during your stay abroad. He has the tools to solve problems.

Would you like to become a local manager ? Send us your request using our contact form.