Our mission

Opening up the world to young people

Since 1947, the CEI has been involved in a variety of missions for young people aged 6 to 30, promoting education through language teaching, learning to live in a community, professional integration and travel.

The aim of all our programs is to create a real educational and pedagogical project.

We’re convinced that by opening young people up to the world, through travel, we can help keep the peace.

We want to continue to promote the values of tolerance, respect and mutual understanding initiated by the CEI’s founders.

Discover the values that drive all CEI teams.

Our values


All CEI teams are passionate and committed to making youth travel a successful and unforgettable experience.


With over 75 years’ experience in organizing trips for young people, each CEI Group brand has acquired genuine expertise and forged strong partnerships around the world.


Since 1947, we’ve been working hard every year to offer new programs and new destinations, in line with the desires of our participants.


Every day, we are committed to offering quality holidays, ensuring the safety and satisfaction of young travellers and meeting the expectations of parents.

Join us


Through its many activities, the CEI Group is always on the lookout for partners: ministries for cultural exchange programs; local authorities and social economic committees (CSE) for its language study programs and summer camps; primary and secondary schools for its school group trips… Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a partnership to propose!

Host family

All year round, we’re looking for volunteer families who are open and enthusiastic about the idea of sharing their daily lives with a foreign high school student. Young people from Australia, Germany, Mexico, the United States and elsewhere come to spend a school year, a semester or a few months in France to learn French in high school and with a host family.
Whether you live in the city or the countryside, with or without children, you can host !

Local manager

The CEI is looking for local managers for its host programs in France. Programs last from 3 to 10 months and combine homestay with enrolment in a French high school. The local manager has an important role to play. He/she works closely with our Paris and Saint-Malo offices, ensuring follow-up and contact with families and young people during the stay. Profile: excellent interpersonal skills, good contact with teenagers, autonomy and availability.

Stay in touch

For a personalized price quote or any questions, we are available