Privacy policy

Electronic storage of personal data

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and correct your personal data. These special booking and sales conditions come into force on the date they are signed, and may be amended and/or supplemented by CEI at any time. In this case, the new version will be put online and automatically applied to all customers.

Personal data

Your personal data is very important to the CEI and for this reason we would like to inform you, through this privacy policy, about how we handle it when you use our website

The present charter is likely to evolve and to be modified in order to better keep you informed about your personal information. If necessary, we will send you an e-mail notifying you of the changes.

You’ll also find the date of the last update at the bottom of the page.

Information collected

We collect three main categories of information :

  • Information you provide directly to us about :
    • Your identification data: title, surname, first name, date of birth, age, gender, user name, password;
    • Your contact data: postal address, telephone number(s), e-mail address(es), geolocation, data
    • Your transactional data: holidays ordered, billing address, payment method, bank details, purchase history, promo codes, discount coupons, affiliated works council or association,
    • Data concerning the application or registration of your child, yourself or a group you manage for a stay, directly collected for individual registrations: association membership, cancellation insurance title, surname, first name, date of birth, gender, diet, allergies, weight, height, shoe size (for certain physical activities), authorizations for minors (to go out, to smoke); for groups: name of agency or school, name of manager, contact details, number of people in the group, services requested, options; comments, exchanges with customer service.

This data is only collected if you agree to provide it to us when creating an account, subscribing to our newsletter, joining our loyalty program, placing an order or making a purchase, filling in a contact form or taking part in a competition.. It will be used to manage and organize your trip, process your travel file and check compulsory pre-departure formalities. It will be used to manage and organize your trip, process your travel file and check compulsory pre-departure formalities. You can unsubscribe from these marketing communications by email or by clicking on the unsubscribe link in all our newsletters. If you have not completed your online travel booking, we may contact you to remind you that it is in progress. When you use our services, we send you a satisfaction questionnaire as soon as you return from your stay. The data collected is not published, but used to improve the quality of our trips. You may also receive a number of automatic reminders in the event of an outstanding or incomplete travel file. . However, if you refuse to provide any of the requested information, we may not be able to process your request.

  • The information we collect when you use our website :
    • Browsing data: operating system, browser used, access time, IP address, language used, display mode chosen, viewing time, pages viewed, pages viewed before and after accessing our website, browsing time, forms completed, clicks on buttons and areas of the site, use of filters and sorting;

This information enables us to understand how you use our website:, to identify your preferences and to improve your browsing experience. They are also used to enhance your user experience by providing you with special offers on other products and services that may be of interest to you. Some of these data are collected automatically to ensure the proper functioning of our website. Refusal is entirely possible, but could have an impact on the availability and operation of the website.

To find out more, please consult the section on cookie management.

  • Information we obtain indirectly from outside sources :
    • Data from external accounts connected to your CEI account: data from social networks or other services (e.g. gmail, contacts, Facebook, Instagram, forms, advertisements, etc.);

We use this information to get to know you better, so that we can provide you with better offers tailored to your needs.

Use of collected data

Your personal data are collected in order to be used for various purposes within the framework of :

  • Management of the contracts to which you subscribe by :
    • Processing your orders or purchases ;
  • Customer relationship management in our legitimate interest in :
    • Managing a database of existing customer data, enabling us to better answer your questions and manage your complaints.
  • To carry out statistical analyses in our legitimate interest in :
    • Studying fully anonymized personal data in order to improve our services.
  • Exercising your rights by :
    • Verifying your identity ;

Storage on personal data

We keep your personal data only for as long as we need it for the specified purposes for which it was collected. Once this period has expired, we will automatically delete your data from our servers.

Your account details and your account are kept for as long as you use them. They are deleted at your request or if you have been inactive for 3 consecutive years.

Some of your data is kept for a period determined by the legislator in the context of a legal obligation or an unresolved dispute.

  • The information collected on this site is recorded in a computerized file used by CEI for customer management purposes. They are kept for 3 years and are intended for the sales, sales administration and communication departments, based within the European Union. In accordance with the “IT and freedom” law , you may exercise your right to access and rectify your personal data by contacting the department in charge of data processing,, 1 rue Gozlin, 75006 Paris. We would like to draw your attention to the existence of the “Bloctel” telephone anti-solicitation list, on which you can register here :

Sharing personal data

  • Our service providers :
    Some of your personal data is shared with our service providers as part of the technical management of our website and the management of your account in the event of a problem.
  • Our partners :
    We only pass on some of your personal data to our partners, i.e.: interests, first and last name, e-mail address or telephone number and age if you explicitly consent to this processing, in order to send you personalized offers.
  • Social networks and third-party services :
    When you connect your social network accounts or third-party services to your CEI account, your identification data is automatically transmitted to these third-party accounts.
  • Public :
    Your comments and opinions, as well as the photos you attach, are made public.
  • Third parties :
    In the context of legal obligations, particularly in the event of litigation, your data will be forwarded to the relevant bodies.

Cookie policy

  • Definition :
    Cookies are text files deposited on a user’s terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when content is consulted, to collect standard Internet history and behavioral information.

Cookies do not directly identify a user, but identify a browser or terminal.

  • Use and storage :
    When you visit our website we may collect information about your activity and preferences using cookies.

We use different cookies for different purposes, and the following table describes how they work in detail.

Cookies policy :

Definition :

Cookies are text files deposited on a user’s terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when content is consulted, to collect standard Internet history and behavioral information. Cookies do not directly identify a user, but identify a browser or terminal.

Use and storage :

When you visit our website we may collect information about your activity and preferences using cookies.
We use different cookies for different purposes and the following table describes in detail how they work :

Cookie Editor/domain : Duration Description
cookieyes-consent 12 months CookieYes sets this cookie to remember users’ consent preferences so that their preferences are respected on subsequent visits to this site. It does not collect or store any personal information about visitors to the site.
wp-wpml_current_language session Used by the WPML translation plugin. Stores the current language. This cookie is enabled by default on sites that use language filtering for AJAX operations.
_pk_id.1.6e3c 1 year 27 days Cookie used by Matomo Analytics to store some user details such as the visitor’s unique identifier.
_pk_ses.1.6e3c 30 minutes Short-term cookies used by Matomo Analytics to temporarily store visitor data.

Disable third-party cookies on your browser

Some browsers, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, can block third-party cookies. This limits certain functions and may generate errors/bugs.

For more information, please consult this CNIL guide:

Disable third-party cookies on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and other Chromium browsers :

Disable third-party cookies on Mozilla Firefox and other Gecko browsers:

  • Cookie management :

Apart from technical cookies, no other cookies are placed on your terminal without your consent. You make your choice as soon as you visit our website when the cookie banner appears. You can then choose to accept or refuse all cookies except those necessary for the operation of the website. You also have the possibility of choosing on a case-by-case basis, according to each type of cookie

You can change your mind by clicking on the “cookie management” button.

Keep control of your data

  • Your rights :

We want to make sure that you are fully aware of all your data protection rights. Each user is entitled to the following items :

  • Right of access: You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal data in our possession. We will ask you for additional information to verify your identity;
    • The right of rectification: You have the right to ask us to correct any information that you believe to be inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete any information you believe to be incomplete;
  • Exercise your rights :

We provide you with a contact form so that you can send us your various requests relating to the exercise of your rights.

We promise to process your request within one month. If we have a large number of requests, we will send you an e-mail to inform you of any delays in processing and to assure you that they will be dealt with as quickly as possible.

If you feel that your rights have not been respected, please contact us to rectify the problem. You can also contact the CNIL.


You can contact us :

To our postal adress : 1, rue Gozlin, 75006 Paris – France

By phone :

By e-mail :

By using our contact form

"*" indicates required fields

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


The information on the site are provided for information purposes oly. It is non-contractual and CEI cannot be held responsible for it. They may be changed or updated without prior notice. CEI also reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to make improvements and/or changes to the site. CEI cannot be held responsible for :

Damage of any kind, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the CEI site, and in particular any operating, financial or commercial loss, loss of programs and/or data, especially in the user’s information system.

Damage of any kind, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the CEI site, and in particular any operating, financial or commercial loss, loss of programs and/or data, especially in the user’s information system. – Omissions and/or errors that may be contained in the site.


The user of the present site is liable for damages of any kind, material or immaterial, direct or indirect, caused to any third party, including CEI, as a result of the use or illicit exploitation of the CEI site itself and/or any of its elements, whatever the cause and place of occurrence of such damages, and guarantees CEI against the consequences of any claims or actions to which it may be subject as a result. The user of the CEI site waives the right to exercise any recourse against CEI in the event of legal proceedings brought by a third party against him/her as a result of the use and/or illicit exploitation of the CEI site.