High school classic

CEI is proud to offer the experience of a lifetime ! Studying in a French secondary school (Collège or Lycée) while sharing the everyday life of a volunteer host family.

Living in a French volunteer host family

There is no better way to immerse yourself in another culture than to live with a host family. The host families offer support and guidance to students during their stay, while sharing local customs.

Our host families are as diverse as our participants. All families are carefully screened and prepared for the experience. The matching of the host family and the students is based on the student’s profile, personality and common interests.

Students will feel at home while away and will develop strong long-term relationships.

Immersion in a French high school

Students are placed in either public or private schools. They will spend 5 days per week at school, usually from 8:00 am until 5:00pm or 6:00pm, in classes with French classmates.

Depending on their age, students are placed in either Troisième (14-15 years old) or Seconde (15-16 years old). They typically take courses in French literature, foreign languages, history, math, economics and science. Students placed in Classe de Premiere (16-17 years old) and in Classe de Terminale (17-18) will be enroled in one of these academic areas : Literature, Economics, or Sciences. All classes are taught in French.

Dates 2025 high school classic :

– During the whole year

Prices 2025 :

  • 2 weeks : 880€
  • 4 weeks : 1380€
  • 6 weeks : 1760€
  • 2 months : 2370€
  • 3 months : 2990€
  • 4 months : 3150€
  • 6 months : 3860€
  • 10 months : 6490€
  • 11 months : 6780€

Language training option

CEI proposes 2 or 3 week-long intensive French language courses, before the beginning of the High School program. This program takes place at the CEI language school in Saint-Malo every August and in Paris every January.

This language course is specifically recommended for students who might not feel confident enough or wish to improve their language skills before participating in the Academic Year Program.

  • Saint-Malo : 1300€ (2 weeks), 1600€ (3 weeks)
  • Paris January : 1600€ (2 weeks)


Students must be between 14-18 years old at the time of their stay in France. They will go through an interview process to determine the language skills and motivation.

Accommodation with a host family

Accommodation with a host family. Full pension.


Students are placed throughout France.

Host region

Students are placed throughout France.

Academic year in France, high school classic

Academic and host family immersion.

Transfer on arrival : included in the program price.

Transfer on departure : 200€ (optional – can be arranged upon request).

Meet and greet service

  • Transfer on arrival : included in the program price.
  • Transfer on departure : 250€

More information about medical insurance is available upon request.

  • Valid identity documents for a stay in France.
  • Please check the exact conditions for entering France (visa, authorizations, etc…).
  • Processing of the student application, research and selection of a French host family (interview, visit of the house and environment).
  • Full board with a host family.
  • Enrollment and attendance at a French secondary school, school lunches and school expenses (for private schools).
  • Supervision and assistance by a CEI area representative as well as by the staff of the central office.
  • A local orientation meeting in September and January (all program duration – the meeting can be private or attended in a group).
  • Transfer cost to the host community (transfer on arrival – includes the booking and purchase of the domestic train/plane ticket by CEI + CEI escort and emergency phone line on day of arrival).
  • Arrival transfer.

Advantages of this academic year

  • Discovering the French school system
  • Immersion and homestay
  • Discover a new culture in a safe environment

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