This itinerary promises an unforgettable journey through some of the most picturesque and culturally rich destinations along the French Riviera : Nice, Monaco and Saint-Tropez.

For those who want to admire the vivid blue of the Mediterranean, discover the fantastic coast ! Students will meet with a CEI French
leader before starting their journey to Nice, Cannes and Monaco.


The residence includes :

  • Each bedroom is equipped with its own private shower room and WC, ensuring convenience and comfort for all guests.
  • Enjoy the ease of half board accommodations, providing you with a hearty breakfast and a delightful dining experience.
  • Savor the flavors of Nice with dinners served in charming local restaurants, giving you the opportunity to taste authentic regional cuisine and experience the local culture.

This residence offers a perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and cultural immersion, ensuring a pleasant and enriching stay in Nice.


  • Visit of Nice: Discover the charm of Nice by exploring the old town, strolling along the iconic Promenade des Anglais, relaxing on beautiful beaches, and indulging in some shopping.
  • Full day excursion to Monaco by train: Embark on an exciting full-day trip to Monaco, where you can tour the stunning Palace.
  • Full day excursion to Cannes: Enjoy a full day in the glamorous city of Cannes, including a fascinating stop at the renowned Fragonnard Perfumery, where you can learn about the art of perfume making.
  • Visit to a typical glass factory in Antibes: Witness the intricate process of glass making with a visit to a traditional glass factory in Antibes.


Dates 2025 the French Riviera cultural tour :

During the whole year.

Prices 2025 :

  • 5 days : 455€/person (based on a group of 30 paying participants and 2 leaders free of charge).



Participants must be at least 12 years old.


Half board in a residence in Nice.

Host region

The trip takes place in the French Riviera (Nice, Monaco and Saint-Tropez).

Discover the French Riviera and its major places of interest

Visit famous southern landmarks, iconic places, etc.

  • Valid identity documents for a stay in France.
  • Please check the exact conditions for entering France (visa, authorizations, etc…).

Price includes :

  • 4 nights half board in residence in Nice.
  • Activities and transportations as mentioned in the program.

Advantages of this cultural tour in the French Riviera

  • Discover famous southern landscapes
  • Explore the cities of Nice, Monaco and Saint-Tropez
  • Half board accomodation in a residence in Nice

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