From the Rhone valley to the sea

This itinerary combines guided tours, cultural experiences, and free time to explore at your own pace, ensuring a well-rounded and enriching travel experience. Discover Lyon, Avignon, Nîmes, Arles and Montpellier.

Known for its majestic river and dynamic city of Lyon, the Rhone Valley will surprise you with its varied landscapes, preserved natural spaces, gastronomy, diversity of local products, and the charm of its festivities.

5 day itinerary

  • Day 1 : Arrive in Lyon and enjoy some free time to explore the city at your leisure.
  • Day 2 : Start the day with a guided tour of the Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Visit a traditional silk workshop to learn about Lyon’s rich history in the silk industry.
  • Day 3 : Visit the famous Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse, a gourmet food market named after the renowned chef. Travel to Avignon by train and enjoy free time to discover the city on your own.
  • Day 4 : Take a guided city tour of Avignon, known for its historical and cultural significance. Visit the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes), one of the largest and most important medieval Gothic buildings in Europe.
  • Day 5 : Transfer by private coach to Montpellier, with the first stop in Nîmes. Enjoy free time in Nîmes and visit the famous Nîmes Arena, one of the best-preserved Roman amphitheaters. Continue to Arles for a free afternoon to explore the city’s Roman and Romanesque monuments.
  • Day 6 : Participate in a guided city tour of Montpellier, discovering its vibrant history and architecture. Visit the Fabre Museum, home to an impressive collection of European art.
  • Day 7 : Spend the last day shopping and enjoying coffee in Montpellier before your departure.


You will enjoy a half board immersion in 2** hotel.

Dates 2025 Rhone valley to the sea cultural tour:

During the whole year.

Prices 2025 :

  • 7 days : 795€/person (based on a group of 30 paying participants and 2 leaders free of charge).



Participants must be at least 12 years old.


Half board in 2** hotel.

Host region

The trip takes place in Rhone Valley : Lyon, Avignon, Nîmes, Arles and Montpellier.

Discover the Rhone valley and its major places of interest

Visit landmarks in Lyon and many other nearby cities, iconic places, etc.

  • Valid identity documents for a stay in France.
  • Please check the exact conditions for entering France (visa, authorizations, etc…).

Price includes:

  • 6 nights half board in 2** hotel.
  • Activities and transportation as mentioned in the program.

Advantages of this cultural tour in Rhone valley

  • Enjoy the discovery of the dynamic city of Lyon nearby the Rhone Valley
  • Discover several cities : Lyon, Avignon, Nîmes, Arles and Montpellier
  • Half board accomodation in 2** hotel

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