Memory tourism : battlefield tours through France and Belgium

This 7-day itinerary offers a perfect blend of cultural exploration, historical insights, and leisurely experiences, ensuring a memorable trip to Ypres, Amiens and Paris. Join us for an enriching adventure!

This program will take you on a historical journey and lead you through historical sites all marked by the World War I.


  • Day  1 : Arrival in Ypres by private coach. Ypres walking guided tour. Dinner and night in youth hostel in Ypres.
  • Day 2 : Full day private coach, in the Flanders Battlefields with a specialized guide. Entrance to the Flanders Fields museum, Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917. Dinner and night in a youth hostel in Ypres.
  • Day 3 : Half day private coach, trip to the Flanders Battlefields with a specialized guide. Entrance to the Battle of Fromelles Museum. After lunch take the road to Amiens by private coach. Dinner in a restaurant in Amiens City Center and night in a hotel in Amiens area.
  • Day 4 : Full day private coach, trip to the Somme Battlefields with a specialized guide. Entrance to the Franco-Australian museum, National Australian Memorial and the New Sir John Monash center. Dinner in a restaurant in Amiens City Center and night in a hotel in Amiens area.
  • Day 5 : In the morning, guided walking tour of Amiens Old District and the Cathedral. Transfer by private coach from Amiens to Paris.
  • Day 6 : Spend the last days in Paris included tickets to climb to the Eiffel Tower (2nd floor), entrance to the Louvre museum and ticket for a Cruise on Seine River.
  • Day 7 : Last day for shopping and coffee on a Parisian terrace before departure by private coach.


You will stay in a residence in Ypres, then Paris. You will also be accommodated in a hotel in Amiens.

Dates 2025 Historical tour in France and Belgium :

During the whole year.

Prices 2025 :

  • 7 days : 825€/person (based on a group of 30 paying participants and 2 leaders free of charge).


4 nights in half board residence and 2 nights in half board hotel.

Host region

The trip takes place in Ypres, Amiens, and Paris.

Historical tour in France and Belgium

Visits of historical monuments in these regions.


Participants must be at least 12 years old.

  • Valid identity documents for a stay in France and Belgium.
  • Please check the exact conditions for entering France and Belgium (visa, authorizations, etc…).

Price includes:

  • 4 nights half board in residence in Ypres and Paris.
  • 2 nights half board in 2** hotel in Amiens (multiples rooms).
  • Activities and transportation as mentioned in the program (5 days private coach and all entrance fees).
  • 1-day unlimited transport card in Paris.
  • Paris airport transfer by private coach on departure included.

Advantages of this program in France and Belgium

  • Ideal for groups interested in history
  • Discover famous monuments of France and Belgium
  • Half board in residences and hotel

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