Our language-based learning tours offer exciting opportunities for students or adults from all backgrounds and skill levels, to gain international insight, develop confidence and learn more about local culture. This package of activities is designed to provide a rich experience, showcasing the unique culture, history, and culinary delights of Saint-Malo.

Travel to Brittany where food traditions, authenticity, and good taste are not empty words ! Saint-Malo is a great destination and a famous seaside resort which boasts a long and proud history of nautical explorers and traders.

This homestay program is an excellent way for teachers to put into practice what they teach and for students to learn French and experience French culture.


  • Saint-Malo guided city tour, embark on an informative tour. Saint-Malo is a historic walled city in Brittany known for its rich maritime heritage.
  • Visit of the Corsair House and walk along the Grand Bé. The museum is dedicated to the notorious pirates who once roamed these waters.
  • Tasting of a Saint-Malo traditional speciality “Les Craquelins”. These light crispy bread rolls are beloved local treat. The experiences includes a visit to the factory where these delicious snacks are made.
  • Immerse yourself in French culinary culture with a Crepes-making lesson.
  • Boat trip to Dinard, a charming seaside resort known for its beautiful beaches, and vibrant promenade.

Dates 2024 educational language tour in Saint-Malo :

During the whole year.

Prices 2024 :

  • 45 students, 3 leaders free of charge : 385€
  • 30 students, 2 leaders free of charge : 405€
  • 15 students, 1 leader free of charge : 485€

Extra night : +45€/night/person

Return airport transfers : upon request

Activities packages : +50€/student



Homestay accommodation. Full board.

Host region

The trip takes place in Saint-Malo, Brittany.

Discover Saint-Malo and its major places of interest

Visit famous landscapes of Saint-Malo, iconic places, improve your language skills with French lessons.


Participants must be at least 12 years old.

  • Valid identity documents for a stay in France.
  • Please check the exact conditions for entering France (visa, authorizations, etc…).

Prices includes :

  • 6 nights full board homestay accomodation in the area of your choice.
  • 15 hours of French courses with specialized teachers.
  • Activities package +50€/student.
  • 1 week unlimited public transport card.
  • Assistance of CEI local representative and CEI office.
  • Extra cost for residence accomodation in Paris : 250€/person.

Advantages of this language tour in Saint-Malo

  • Discover the must-see places in Saint-Malo
  • Improve your language skills with French lessons
  • Homestay accomodation

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