Slow travel: Paris-Toulouse

The night train journey from Paris to Toulouse offers an extraordinary experience. From Toulouse to Collioure on the Vermeille coast, this adventure invites you to take scenic side roads and travel through the mountains aboard the legendary Yellow Train in Latour-de-Carol.

The night train journey is an extraordinary experience. From Toulouse to Collioure on the Vermeille coast, we invite you to take the side roads by train and travel through the mountains aboard the mythical Yellow Train in Latour de Carol.


  • Day 1 : Travel from Paris on the overnight train to Toulouse.
  • Day 2 : Early arrival, check-in the hotel next to the station, Toulouse guided city tour.
  • Day 3 : Travel by train to Foix, visit its emblematic Castle overlooking the city. Enjoy typical pyrenean “charcuterie” and cheese shopping before leaving by train.
  • Day 4 : From Foix, train trip to Latour-de-Carol, a particularly sumptuous journey through the high mountains, cliffs and torrents. At Latour-de-Carol, board the “Canari” (the Yellow Train). There you will discover breathtaking landscapes. This fabulous rail journey ends in Villefranche-de-Conflent.
  • Day 5 : The journey continues in the Mediterranean land to Argeles sur Mer or Collioure. The reliefs becomes softer, the contrast is striking. It’s time to enjoy the sea.
  • Day 6 : You can continue by train to Barcelona or along the coast.


Paris-Toulouse overnight train. You will enjoy 1 night half-board in 2** hotel in Toulouse. 1 night half-board in 2** hotel in Foix. 1 night half-board 2** hotel in Villefranche-de-Conflent. 1 night half-board in 2** hotel in Argeles sur Mer.

Traveling by train is also about taking your time and caring about environment. Night and day, we have designed these itineraries to travel through France by train and fit into the reality of the landscapes.

Dates 2025 thematic tour Paris-Toulouse :

During the whole year.

Prices 2025 :

  • 6 days : 795€/person (based on a group of 15 paying participants and 1 leader free of charge).


Overnight train from Paris to Toulouse. 2** hotel accommodation. Half-board.

Host region

The trip takes place in Toulouse, Foix, Latour-de-Carol and Argeles sur Mer.

Discover different regions and their main major places of interest

Visit famous landscapes in the Pyrenees.

  • Valid identity documents for a stay in France.
  • Please check the exact conditions for entering France (visa, authorizations, etc…).

Price includes :

  • Paris-Toulouse overnight train with sleepers 2nd class.
  • 1 night half-board in 2** hotel in Toulouse.
  • 1 night half-board in 2** hotel in Foix.
  • 1 night half-board in 2** hotel in Villefranche-de-Conflent.
  • 1 night half-board in 2** hotel in Argeles sur Mer.
  • All train tickets from Paris to Toulouse – Foix- Latour-de-Carol – The Yellow train – Villefranche-de-Conflent – Argeles sur Mer 2nd class.
  • Activities as mentioned in the program.

Advantages of slow-travel train journey

  • Enjoy a thematic holiday by train
  • City-tour of : Toulouse, Foix, Latour-de-Carol, Argeles sur Mer...
  • Discover beautiful landscapes throughout France

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